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The Consultation
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Blowjob Brunette Cum on Pussy Deep Throat Doctor Fingering Glasses Natural Tits Shaved Pussy
SCENE OPENS as a homeowner opens their front door to greet Patricia, a teenage girl with big glasses and low self-esteem. Dressed in a frumpy pencil skirt and blouse and speaking no louder than a mouse, she is trying to sell knives door-to-door as a part-time job. While most girls are getting ready for college, Patricia is desperate to save enough money to cure her of all the torment she endured in high school. Teasing, bullying, being called flat and ugly her whole life. The homeowner tells her he isn’t interested and shuts the door. CUT to another door being opened and Patricia repeating her sales pitch. They are also not interested. CUT to a third door opening just as Patricia drops open her knife case and gives her best attempt about being outgoing. This time, the homeowner asks if she offers free sharpening and, looking defeated, she says yes and steps inside.
CUT to Patricia tossing the knife case in the trunk and getting into her car. It’s been another unsuccessful day and she is frustrated. Just as she is about to start the engine, her phone rings. It is the office of a well-respected plastic surgeon, Dr. Swell, who she’s been trying to book a consultation with for months. Surely, all her savings can afford at least one procedure to help her before she starts at jer new school. Eagerly, she speaks to the female receptionist on the other end of the line. The receptionist asks her if she is over eighteen because, those seeking surgery under age, require their parent’s consent. Patricia confirms that she is eighteen and a full-fledged adult, able to make her own decisions without her parents. She even sent the doctor some photos of herself along with her application, to show him the seriousness of her situation. The receptionist takes a long pause … long enough for the awkward Patricia to check the line. ‘Are you still there?’ She asks desperately. The receptionist replies that the doctor would be willing to see her today if she is available. He is working out of his private residence. She will text her the address. Patricia, elated, gets off the phone and has a private moment of excitement before driving off.
The gate opens, and Patricia drives up the path to a beautifully appointed mansion. She has never seen a house so nice. A gardener, working out front, advises her when she approaches to wait in the gazebo. Dr. Swell greets all his patients in the gazebo. Eagerly, she nods, and he lets her into the back before turning back to his gardening with a slight smile. Patricia walks through the backyard pool area astounded. It is so beautiful. She walks to a fountain at the edge of the property and looks out over the city below. She takes her glasses off and closes her eyes, taking in the breeze. Dr. Swell, dressed smartly in a black suit with his doctor’s coat, approaches her from behind. ‘It’s hard to see when you’re eyes are closed,’ he says coldly. Patricia spins around, surprised, and scrambles to put her glasses back on. She apologizes for not waiting in the gazebo as instructed but the stern doctor brushes it off, taking her hand and giving her a look over. She squirms as he studies her face and body. ‘I see…’ He says slowly and without compassion. ‘Well, let’s go inside and we can begin your consultation.’ Patricia is very shy and uncomfortable but knows she must be brave and do what is needed to get her surgery approved.
Inside the house, Dr. Swell takes the girl up to his master suite, where he has an exam table set up opposite his bed, complete with caddy and supplies. Patricia finds this very unusual but goes along with it. After all, he is a respected doctor. He invites her to sit on the bed while he picks up a notepad and pulls over his medical stool to sit across from her.
He confirms her age again. She tells him 18. He asks her birthdate. She says January 15, 2000. He makes a comment about millennials and asks whether her parents (or anyone else) knows that she is here for a consultation today. She tells him no, her parents don’t know, they wouldn’t understand, and she doesn’t exactly have any friends to tell. Dr. Swell senses the girl’s low-self-esteem and continues. He asks her to describe in detail what she is looking for in terms of a procedure. Patricia nervously tells him that she has always been teased for her smaller breasts. Kids used to call her Flatty Patty. She’s never had a boy even look at her. No dates, no first loves, no anything. Before she goes to college, she needs to start over — to have big boobs like all the popular girls. Whatever it takes to turn her into someone else. Dr. Swell takes down notes as he looks the girl over. She shrinks back in shyness at his cold stare. ‘There are several factors that are important in deciding when and for whom surgery is appropriate,’ he says in a steady monotone. ‘Your ability to understand the procedure itself, knowing that your desire for surgery comes from an appropriate place, and that your expectations are realistic.’ He puts his notepad down and leans in. ‘If you just have low self-esteem and no friends, Patricia, cosmetic surgery may not be the right answer for you. Rather, I would recommend counseling.’
Patricia leaps off the bed in desperation, pleading with the doctor to take her seriously. This isn’t something she just thought of. She has been planning and saving up for it ever since freshman year. College will finally be her chance to truly be herself. She needs this surgery! Dr. Swell allows her to vent for a moment before calming her down. ‘It’s alright, Patricia,’ he says. ‘Don’t get me wrong, if a young woman has realistic expectations and the right head on her shoulders, surgery can be a great option. I wasn’t saying no … I just need to know all these things to make the right consultation. Now, let’s take a look at these breasts, shall we?’
Dr. Swell guides Patricia to his exam table and asks her to remove her top. She nervously undoes her blouse. The Doctor examines her supple young breasts, asking for permission to remove her bra. Nervously, she asks if its necessary and the Doctor assures her it’s the only way he can truly assess her situation. She says OK and he undoes her strap with one finger, releasing the girl’s bare chest. As he cups and squeezes her, he explains that the most common reason teenage girls undergo cosmetic procedures is to treat breast maldevelopment. Sometimes this can include deformities or severe underdevelopment of the breasts and nipples. He pinches her nipples to see if they grow erect and Patricia closes her eyes in embarrassment. ‘Am I deformed?’ She asks nervously. Dr. Swell assures her that she is perfectly normal, just slightly under average. ‘Your breasts look and feel like a perfectly normal teenage girl,’ he says, sitting back on his stool. ‘I can’t really see any medical reason for greenlighting the procedure.’ Patricia puts her head in her hands and starts to cry. She pleads with the Doctor to consider approving her anyway, just to make them big enough, so she doesn’t feel so ashamed anymore. She wants to feel confident enough to go out on a date for the first time in her life. Dr. Swell stares at her, without feeling, as she sobs on his table.
‘You are a virgin, correct?’ He says matter-of-factly, after a long pause. Patricia stops crying and looks at him, drying her eyes. She says yes. ‘Has a man ever looked at your vagina before?’ He asks. Patricia covers herself again and shakes her head in shame. Dr. Swell pulls his medical stool back over to her. ‘In that case, I would be much more concerned about a labiaplasty, if I were you.’ He says, starting to put on some gloves from his supply caddy. She asks him what that is. He asks her to remove her skirt and panties and lie down on the table. He can perform a quick physical, if she’s interested to know more about it. Patricia hesitates for a moment before slowly slipping off her clothes and doing as the doctor instructed. He spreads her legs and takes in her virgin pussy for the first time. ‘Labiaplasty,’ he begins, touching her, ‘is plastic surgery for the lips surrounding your vagina. This can be performed at the same time as a vaginoplasty, to ensure that your labia are symmetrical and appealing to the eye.’ He slowly slips off his glove and asks to enter her body, to check how tight she is. Patricia nervously agrees, asking him why that’s necessary. As he fingers her, Dr. Swell informs her that the kind of vagina that most men find desirable is one that is snug and well lubricated. Women who are candidates for this type of procedure are those who are slack or loose … and it can even happen to virgins if they leave their vaginas untreated for too long. If the hymen is not broken by a certain age, it is unlikely to even be penetrated or for the woman to enjoy a normal sex life. Patricia looks horrified. She asks him what he sees. Dr. Swell spends a long time silently digging up inside of Patricia, putting up to 3 fingers in her pussy, and even discreetly licking her juices on his finger, before pulling out and wiping his hands. He lords over the vulnerable girl and presents his findings. If she wants her breast augmentation done ahead of the new school year, she should strongly consider having the vaginal procedures done as well. Otherwise, it won’t be worth her investment. She will look exactly the way she wants … but she won’t be able to enjoy it. He turns away from her, to write down his recommendation on his notepad, while she crawls off the table and sits back on the bed. There is another long silence.
‘How much will that all cost?’ She asks, sheepishly. Dr. Swell hands her a quote from his notepad. Patricia’s face falls. ‘I only saved up enough for the breast implants,’ she says, starting to tear up again. ‘I can’t afford this!’ Dr. Swell takes off his medical coat and sits down beside her. He starts to untie his shoes while she stares at him, through wet eyes. ‘There are certain alternatives we can explore,’ he says as he slips the final shoe off. She asks him what, reiterating how desperate she is to get it all done before school. ‘If I break your hymen today,’ he continues. ‘Then you won’t have to worry about the one procedure. And I can offer you a bundle package on the other two, to fit within your original budget.’ Patricia smiles. ‘Really, you can do that here?’ she asks. The Doctor asks her to lie down on his bed. He can do it here so long as it is quick, and she remains discreet. He isn’t supposed to do this outside of the office … but he understands the severity of her situation and how desperate she is. She profusely thanks him, and does exactly as she is instructed. Even though it seems very strange that her surgeon is undressing himself and mounting her, he assures her it a safe and non-intrusive way to achieve the same result as a vaginoplasty. He coldly takes Patricia’s virginity and she reacts realistically to the first-time sexual experience. BG with pull out and cum on stomach.
After he is finished, the doctor quickly cleans himself up and encourages Patricia to get dressed. She asks him if it went well and he tells her she will be perfectly ready to move on to the next procedures. He will have his receptionist follow up with her to schedule the appointment. She goes to take his quote and put it in her pocket when, noticing it, he quickly snatches it back. ‘I’ll have a new one made for you,’ he says. ‘On official letterhead.’ They exit his room together.
In a final shot, he opens his front door and she walks out, limping and bow-legged from her first sexual experience. ‘Thank you Doctor,’ she says smiling. ‘You’re welcome, now get some rest.’ He says, closing the door. He leans against the door, an evil smirk crossing his face, the first real time he has shown any emotion. It’s always the 18-year-olds. They don’t require their parents anymore … but they really should.